
ytt tech VIEW SITE
A curated database of instructional Youtube videos where the user can
explore a catalog of subjects and discover new skills. Made
with React, AWS Lambda/SAM, DynamoDB.

An experimental discussion platform that aims to minimize distracting signals and focus on
the conversation. Made with React, mobX, Node.js, Postgres. WIP.

vrony GITHUB
An animated Voronoi diagram visualizer, with an interface for controlling the animation and
creating complex sequences. Made with Processing.

A spinning tile visualization with three control modes for exploring a wide variety of
intriguing patterns. Made with p5.js.

zig zag VIDEO
An LED installation with hand-held controller for modulating patterns. Made
with Teensy, WS2811 LEDs, electrical conduit.

Triangular LED modules with pattern sequencing system. Made with Arduino, WS2811 LEDs,
Hi, I'm James! I like to build things. Primarily in software, but I'm always finding new tools and materials to work with. Much of my recent dev work has centered around web application development with React and node.js. Areas of interest include tools, education, visualizations, and generally all things web.
If you're reading this, I'd love to hear from you! Shoot some words at
james rowen / software developer
javascript / node.js / html / css / c# / sql / no-sql / git / awssummary
Experience designing and maintaining web applications on a variety of tech stacks, from small tools to business-critical SaaS products, most recently focused on the JS ecosystem. Ability to dive in and get up to speed quickly on new projects and technologies. Comfortable wearing multiple hats and working on cross-functional teams.experience
Software Development Engineer
Yahoo2014 - 2016
Sunnyvale, CA- Designed and developed an internal analytics front-end using React, Redux, and D3.js.
- Developed mini javascript apps adding interactivity to search results (e.g. a mortgage calculator).
- Contributed to a next-gen rewrite of the mobile search front-end.
- Helped administer the testing, hosting, and CI/CD pipeline for projects I worked on.
Software Engineer
Accruent2012 - 2014
Austin, TX- Quickly became an integral member of the dev team of a successful enterprise SaaS product.
- Designed, developed, and maintained the most complex set of feeds and integrations implemented on the product.
- Committed code across the full stack of a large three-tier application - HTML/CSS/JS, C#, PL/SQL.
- Initiated and led a team of engineers tasked with supporting client implementations and custom development requests.
Website Developer
Freelance2011 - 2012
Reno, NV- Designed and developed websites for local businesses (primarily Wordpress).
- Implemented and maintained custom eCommerce storefronts.
- Worked with clients to understand their needs and design proposals.
- YTT Tech (2020) is a curated database of instructional Youtube videos, with an interface that encourages exploration and discovery of skills. Made with React, AWS Lambda/SAM, DynamoDB.
- Tiles (2018) is a browser-based tile visualization with a custom interface for exploring a variety of interesting patterns. Made with vanilla HTML/CSS/JS and the p5.js drawing library.
Bachelor of Science, Computer Science (2007 - 2011)
University of Nevada- Minors in Mathematics and Digital Interactive Games
- Worked in the Evolutionary Computing Systems Lab on AI for virtual Navy training scenarios.